CAPP Welcomes All

At CAPP, we consider it critical to promote and integrate cultural sensitivity and and a commitment to racial and ethnic diversity throughout the organizational structure of CAPP and the broader community of psychology in Cincinnati. We welcome all members, and support the inclusion of all forms of diversity, including but not limited to race, sexual orientation, spirituality, disabilities, age, size, and/or gender.=

Top 10 Reasons to Join CAPP

1. MEET UP. Have fun while getting to know Cincinnati area psychologists. Meet the “face behind the name” at one of our social events.

2. LINK UP. Have your practice listed and linked on CAPP’s interactive website, where clients and other professionals search for psychologists by specialty, modality, and location.

3. AD UP. Advertise yourself. CAPP prints a bi-annual directory of its members, their specialties and contact information and sends it to area businesses, physicians, hospitals, and lawyers. An online version is also available to the public on our website any time.

4. GET THE 411. Read our quarterly online newsletter. Chairpersons from CAPP committees summarize the latest news from the Ohio Psychological Association, insurance/managed care, CAPP programs, membership, public relations and upcoming social events.

5. SAVE CASH! NO COUPON CLIPPING.  CAPP members receive discounts while earning CEUs at CAPP dinner meetings and workshops.

6. FIND MENTORS AND COLLABORATORS.  Students and Early Career members can establish mentoring relationships with mid and late-career psychologists for professional advice and support. Meet other professionals with whom to collaborate.

7. STEP UP. Have your photo taken at one of our events to use in advertising.

8. BEEF UP. Learn new skills or refresh your professional knowledge at CAPP dinner meetings and workshops.

9. SPEAK UP. Suggest a topic for a dinner meeting or workshop. Volunteer to be a speaker about your own specialty at one of our meetings.

10. ADD IT UP. Collaborate. Communicate. Educate. And have fun at the same time.

JOIN TODAY and take advantage of the many benefits CAPP has to offer.

CAPP Membership Benefits

WEBSITE: CAPP maintains a professional and user friendly website at The website offers a very easy mechanism for consumers to search for a psychologist in the Cincinnati area by specialty area, special populations served, ages treated, psychologist practice location and languages spoken by the psychologist. Only CAPP members are listed in our online search directory. As such, it is a good resource for generating referrals. We do not list our student affiliate members in the search directory. Our website is also a go to place for registering for our continuing education events. Each CAPP member is assigned a username on our website and can manage their own public information and account settings on the site.

DIRECTORY: The paper Directory is currently published every other year and includes the names of licensed psychologists who are CAPP members, their addresses, office phone and fax numbers, and practice areas of special interest. We do not list our affiliate members in the directory. It also includes a geographic locator based on office address and a cross-reference section for specialty areas to make it a more useful guide for professionals who use it to make referrals to psychologists. In the past, the Directory has been sent to over 1900 area psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, hospitals, and attorneys. We hope that it serves as an important referral source to these professionals.

As a CAPP member, you may purchase advertisement space in our published directory.

REFERRAL SYSTEM: A referral and information service is maintained by CAPP. All CAPP members are part of this system. Referrals are made on the basis of clientele served, specialty area, and geographic area. We try to give each caller the names and office phone numbers of three different CAPP members and suggest that they call each to see who may best suit their needs. Every effort is made to rotate the names of CAPP members given to consumers.

CONTINUING EDUCATION: We offer continuing education dinner meetings and workshops at a discounted rate to CAPP members.

NETWORKING: We offer frequent opportunities to informally interact and network with fellow practicing psychologists at dinner meetings, workshops, and our social events.

MENTORING: We offer the opportunity for newly licensed psychologists to be paired with a mentor to help with the complexities of establishing a professional practice.

SPEAKERS’ BUREAU: We occasionally receive requests for speakers from schools, churches, civic organizations and businesses. If you so choose, we will put you on our list to be contacted when we receive such a request. Our policy is that CAPP members will do this as a community service and ask for no fee or honorarium. When a request is received, the CAPP administrative assistant will contact members to see who might be interested in a particular speaking engagement. If you are interested, you will be given the name and phone number of the person requesting the speaker so that you may contact them directly to work out details.

NEWSLETTER: A quarterly newsletter is published on our website and is filled with timely information on working with insurance companies, billing information, ethical dilemmas, educational opportunities, OPA news, available therapy/educational groups, and other timely tidbits.

ADVOCACY: CAPP serves as an advocacy and support system for all of its’ members to ensure an accurate and fair portrayal in the media, to guard against unethical or false practices, and to support all members in attaining fair treatment.

Membership Types

Members of CAPP are licensed psychologists who offer their services to individuals, groups, agencies, and institutions or psychologists who have retired in good standing from their licensing board. In order to be eligible for membership in CAPP, an applicant is required to possess a doctorate in psychology and be licensed as a psychologist. In the case of school psychologists, an applicant must have received a masters or doctoral degree in school psychology as required for licensure by the State of Ohio (or another state). Retired psychologists in good standing are also welcome to apply for membership. *In addition, we have Affiliate membership available to graduate students, pre-doctoral interns, and post-doctoral fellows not yet licensed. Affiliate members must submit a letter from a faculty mentor, advisor or administrator stating that they are currently enrolled in a psychology degree program, pre-doctoral internship, or post-doctoral fellowship. 

CAPP Membership: Dues for new and returning CAPP members are $180.00 per year.

Early Career CAPP Membership: This membership is for early career psychologists who have been licensed for 5 years or less. Dues for early career members are $150.00 per year. Should you be joining mid-year, dues are prorated as follows:
Nov – Feb $150.00
Mar – May $120.00
Jun – Aug $ 90.00
Sept – Oct $ 80.00

Returning Member Fees: Returning members are psychologists who have been a member of CAPP in the past. Dues are $180 per year. Should you be re-joining mid-year, please use the prorated amounts:
Nov – Feb $180.00
Mar – May $125.00
Jun – Aug $ 90.00
Sept – Oct $ 50.00

Affiliate Member Fees: Affiliate members are students enrolled in a psychology degree program, pre-doctoral internship, or post-doctoral fellowship. Fees for affiliate members are $35.00 per year. Affiliate members must submit a letter from a faculty mentor, advisor or administrator stating that they are currently enrolled in a psychology degree program, pre-doctoral internship, or post-doctoral fellowship.

Payment is expected at the time a member joins.

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